Sculpture "Approaching the future"
The public sculpture project is timed to the 90th anniversary of the splitting of the lithium atom nucleus, which took place at the Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology in 1932. The important date became a point of external reference, recalling the contribution of our scientists to the development of nuclear energy. Making it possible to produce electricity globally, without emitting aerosols and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The base of the sculpture is made of friendly metal elements in the manner of inflated balloons. Their surface is carefully polished, so they will show the elusive mood of the city: reflecting the surrounding landscape, the clouds above them, or the lights of the city at night. Passers-by will also be able to see amusing reflections of themselves in bizarre angles, adding an element of play to the interaction between viewers and the sculpture. The pure form, without unnecessary visual information, is open to different interpretations of its content: the electron orbit encircles the composition, signifying service to the progress of scientific thought, but first of all to society and humanity; the fundamental nature of discoveries, but the importance of each person's personal contribution; our closeness to the creators and our involvement in great achievements. And of course, the citizens will immediately recognise the familiar outlines of the letter X, formed as if from the silhouettes of young parents and their infinitely warm embrace with their child. Symbolising the happy and safe future of our Kharkiv. Year of designing 2021.